Coffee Break
Opening Plenary: D...
Welcome Address
Introductions and Icebreakers 9:15am - 9:45am
Partner Address
TL;DR A Btrust Pit...
Anything Can Be Bu...
Atomic Locks in Li...
Unlocking Privacy...
BTC Pay - The Best...
Effective Bitcoin...
Engaging and Building with Bitco... 12:00pm - 12:30pm
Musical Break
Build Bitcoin Troj...
LDK Node
Bitcoin Dev Projec...
Closing Plenary: D...
Arrival and Registration 8:00am - 9:00am
Lunch Break 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Workshop 1: libbitcoinkernel 2:35pm - 3:20pm
Workshop 2: Fedimint Web SDK - (How to build a F... 2:35pm - 3:20pm
Workshop 3: Bitcoin Builder's Workshop 2:35pm - 3:20pm
Group Pictures 4:00pm - 5:00pm
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